Horse Herbs #3: Stinging Nettle

The Natural Way - specialized in itching and skin complaints and the natural treatment of horses with sweet itch, mud fever and CPL. 

The Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) is one of the most versatile medicinal plants that you can use for horses.

Grows in places where there is waste or fallow land with a nitrogen-rich soil. There she converts the waste into fertile soil to restore soil balance. The nettle grows to an average height of 50-100cm.

We all know the nettle by the tingling sensation we get when touched. The hairs are broken off and a irritating fluid rich in histamine is left behind.

Nettles contain a lot of vitamins A, B2, C, K and folic acid. They are also a source of iron, potassium, magnesium and silicon. The leaves contain complete proteins, flavonoids and are a source of minerals and vitamins. Did you know that there is 7 times more vitamin C in nettle leaves than in oranges? And almost as much calcium as in cheese?

Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica): herbs for horses The Natural Way

You can offer large nettle leaves as support for the following complaints:

- Immunity: increases resistance and helps with viruses, allergies, colds and detoxification. Blood purifying, haemostatic, blood-forming, reduces sugar levels in the blood, has an anti-inflammatory effect, supports the Lyme system and helps with fatigue.

- Skin, hair and hooves: sweet itch, mud fever, CPL, laminitis, stimulates new hair growth and strengthens hooves,…

- Muscles and joints: rheumatism, arthritis, osteoarthritis and other inflammations.

- Urinary tract: Increase urine volume: removes water and uric acid.

- Liver and biliary disorders, spleen diseases, stomach ulcers, prevention of kidney stone formation,…


How do you use nettles on horses? You can cut these fresh and place them in the sun on the meadow, after a few hours the horses will start to enjoy them. You can also hang them upside down to dry in a shed or in the attic, so that you can also provide a healthy treat in the autumn/winter. Dried nettles are also appreciated.

Did you know that nettles are also a host plant for many insects? For example, butterflies lay their eggs on the underside of leaves. This way the caterpillars have food immediately. Other insects then hide in the dried out stems. By leaving some nettles here and there, you give nature a helping hand!

So not weeds, but a real Herb!


Discover our 100 % natural Zomereczeem lotion, Mok olie, CPL olie, Natuur Shampoo and OERVOER (E-book) about healthy nutrition for itch-sensitive horses HERE.


© Laura Cleirens – 2020.05.21
Last update: 2023.12.28

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