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CPL olie reviews


CPL oil The Natural Way Laura Cleirens, 100% natural and sustainable product for horses with CPL Chronic Progressive Lymphedema

"Very satisfied with the oil! Every new wound I treat is closed in 2-3 days. The old wounds remain nice and dry and closed, super satisfied with the results achieved!!"

~ Ingrid V.


" I have been using the CPL olie for 2 weeks now and you can really see a difference. The scabs are now finally coming off after 2 years.
It's nice that there is a product that works. Thank you."

~ Katinka V.d.B.


CPL oil The Natural Way Laura Cleirens, 100% natural and sustainable product for horses with CPL Chronic Progressive Lymphedema

"The wounds that were covered in blood close and the hard scabs become softer, making them less likely to tear. Where the circle is located there was a large wound like a scab that burst open every time and started bleeding."

"On top of the legs, the dry skin becomes softer and more supple, resulting in less rapid wound formation. If there are wounds, they often close again within a few days of applying lubricant."

~Kimberly d.V.


CPL oil The Natural Way Laura Cleirens, 100% natural and sustainable product for horses with CPL Chronic Progressive Lymphedema

"There are almost no new wounds and scabs and everything continues to heal nicely. The skin becomes a bit more supple again."

~ Isabelle V.

Corresponding feedback from MLD therapist: "Paltern cavities look much better than previous treatment. The folds are nice and supple and hydrated and there are no more wounds and scabs."

~ An Gybels (Equi Ikigai)


CPL oil The Natural Way, Laura Cleirens, 100% natural sustainable product solution for horses pony with CPL chronic progressive lymphedema, Friesian, Tinker, Shire, Draft horse, Irish Cob

"End result: I am satisfied with it. The ridges are definitely noticeably smoother than before I used CPL olie. Small wounds heal very quickly. The oil is absorbed nicely into the skin so that not too much sand sticks to it. Paddy certainly runs smoother, I think because the ridges in his pastern cavities are no longer so stiff. In short, I am enthusiastic about the oil.

You can also see in the photos that the skin is no longer as pink as in the first photo because the skin is no longer as tense.

The circumference of the ridges has also decreased slightly.

I think it is recommended at CPL, both personally and in my role as an MLD therapist, because the oil is not harmful to the horse's internal system because it contains no harmful substances."

~ Karin den Braven (MLD therapist)


CPL oil The Natural Way, Laura Cleirens, 100% natural sustainable product solution for horses pony with CPL chronic progressive lymphedema, Friesian, Tinker, Shire, Draft horse, Irish Cob

"Annie (Tinker) suffered a lot from open wounds and scabs. She was already treated for mites but still kept scratching her legs. With CPL olie the wounds close nicely and stay closed. Skin looks beautiful and feels softer. The itching has disappeared. Very satisfied."

"We have been treating Sammie (Tinker) with CPL olie for 6 weeks now. The skin feels much more supple, no more wounds and the folds also seem to be diminishing. We will certainly continue to use it for both horses."

~ Monique D.



Discover our 100 % natural Zomereczeem lotion, Mok olie, CPL olie, Natuur Shampoo and OERVOER (E-book) about healthy nutrition for itch-sensitive horses HERE.

© Laura Cleirens - 2024.01.29 (last update)

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